What We Do and How It Works

What is Aura Photography?

Aura photography is a practice to capture and display a person’s aura, which is believed to be an energy field or spiritual emanation that surrounds the body. This concept is often associated with various spiritual and metaphysical belief systems, including New Age and holistic healing practices.

Inspired by over a decade of knowledge and precision engineering, our advanced products combine aura and energy imaging with live 3D digital video.

The Process

The process involves a specialized hand sensor and web camera that uses biofeedback technology.  The bio feedback information is picked up by the hand sensor and interpreted by the software to create aura photos and reports.  (Biofeedback are things like heartbeat, temperature, measuring the Galvanic skin response in the electrodermal layer of the skin and other proprietary indicators.) The camera produce colorful, glowing images around the person, with different colors and patterns thought to represent different aspects of a person’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

With each session we will deliver clear and constructive human energy readings. It also displays real-time aura and chakra results in a vibrant range of 3D formats that are designed to be simple to read.

The Aura is the electrical field of the body, the chakras are the energy centers.

Chakra Energy Readings

Chakra energy readings are a form of alternative healing practice rooted in ancient Eastern spiritual traditions, particularly within Hindu and Buddhist philosophies. The concept revolves around the belief that the human body contains seven main energy centers, known as chakras, which align along the spine.

Each chakra is associated with specific qualities and functions, influencing physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

During a chakra energy reading, we use the biofeedback technology to assess the balance and vitality of each chakra. Imbalances or blockages in these energy centers are believed to lead to physical or emotional issues. By identifying and addressing these imbalances, a person can aim to restore the free flow of energy throughout the body, promoting holistic well-being.

The seven chakras are:

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, it represents stability, grounding, and basic survival instincts.
  2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Positioned in the lower abdomen, it is linked to emotions, creativity, and sexual energy.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Situated in the upper abdomen, it governs self-esteem, confidence, and personal power.
  4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Found in the center of the chest, it is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance.
  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Located in the throat, it relates to communication, self-expression, and truth.
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Positioned between the eyebrows, it represents intuition, perception, and spiritual awareness.
  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Located at the top of the head, it signifies spiritual connection, consciousness, and enlightenment.

We engage in them as a complementary approach for personal growth, stress relief, and spiritual exploration.

Interpretation of My Aura Colors and Chakra Readings

Depending on the package you choose to purchase, you’ll receive a full 15-page report that includes your aura photo and measure your seven chakra colors. Knowing about your energy centers or chakras can help you determine the steps to take for more balance and higher chi-energy in your life.

High bars and bright colors represent healthy energy centers. Chakras mixed with brown or low, indicate unhealthy energy calling for balance.

Yin-Yang color wheel. The color wheel gives you an overview of the complete aura color range. It is recommended to use your aura color or the complementary opposite color to relax and balance yourself.

It will measure your energy level (to seek overall balance), relaxation level, aura power, and aura wave.

You’ll receive an in depth reading of your main color. Giving you qualities and characteristics associated with your color. Including your mind, body, social life, relationships, intimacy, career, finances, health, well-being, and growth.

The Aura Color Chart

These center colors are associated with various personality and traits.

Red: (center). Your personality is dominant and powerful. Traits: Active, passionate, materialistic and has strong willpower.

Orange: (center). Your personality is compassionate and courageous. Traits: Intelligent, scientific, and detail oriented.

Yellow: (center). Your personality is joyful and optimistic. Traits: Playful, sunny, creative, and curious.

Green: (center). Your personality is social and communicative. Traits: Content, harmonious and quick minded.

Blue: (center). Your personality is tranquil and sensitive. Traits: Peaceful, nurturing, loyal and helpful.

Indigo: (center). Your personality is sensitive; your experience deep feelings. Traits: Introverted, artistic and intuitive.

Violet: (center). Your personality is wise, spiritual and you are in tune with your inner self. Traits: Magical, futuristic and spiritually advanced.


We are currently accepting small pets for aura photos and chakra colors only (no reports).


4 X 6 Aura Photo Only   $50.00 + tax

4 X 6 Aura Photo plus 7 page Aura Script (full detail of your main color).  $65.00

4 X 6 Aura Phot plus full 15 page Script (full detail of your main color plus your 7 Chakra energy levels and details).  $75.00

Everything without the 4 X 6 glossy photo. $70.00

4 X 6 Aura Pet Photo.  $50.00 + tax

(tax collected on photos only per Washington state law. $4.25)

Please note that we do not accept credit card payments at this time.

Please contact us for large groups, parties, or for additional session times. Thank you.